This will be a long one…
I don’t judge or want revenge because I don’t like seeing people hurt especially the innocent. It may sound hard to believe but I wish bad on nobody and I don’t hate anybody or see people as my enemy nor do I know of anyone that truly hates me. I believe everyone has to look at the man/woman in the mirror and do some soul searching, heal and learn in order to grow. The problem is everyone has to want to be better in order to do better. We all have inner issues but if we don’t identify them or distract ourself with pointing at others we can become stuck in our ways and honestly it’s sad to see especially by someone who only wants the best for us… I try to be a good person and treat ppl how I want to be treated but sometimes it’s not enough so I remove myself because I don’t know a better way but if there is one I pray for it to be revealed to me. I typically only post positive things but I felt this was important enough to share. So to anyone who reads this…
If you love someone do right by them and make every effort not to take them for granted because everyday is not promised and you never know when it will be the last time you have the chance to. The good and bad times come and go but everyone gets one life. You can gain the world with all its riches but is worth losing the ppl who love and support you no matter what?
